Knowing my worth

My worth.

My worth is not in a childhood classroom, with a verbally abusive teacher. His words did not detract from my worth.

It isn’t in the brand name stitched in the shirt on my back.

My worth isn’t hidden in the hearts of past relationships, present or future. Failed or not.

My worth is not the people I know.

My worth is not in the past abuse I endured.

My worth is not my body or how it was used against me.

My worth doesn’t lurk in my intelligence.

My worth is in no amount of rejection.

My worth is in no amount of acceptance.

My education and accomplishments didn’t add to my worth.

My worth isn’t trapped in the people I’ve failed, the ones I’ve hurt. Forgive me.

Every job I’ve ever had, every mistake, misunderstanding or seeming failure. It took nothing from it…did not add to it.

The cash in my account, the house I own, the car I drive. None of it adds to my worth.

The way others see me, this is not my worth. Words about me, good or not..this can’t make up my worth.

The country I live in does not make me more worthy.

The places I’ve traveled…

The color of my skin does not equal worth.

My gender is not my worth.

The child I love..this child so precious. Still, she does not add to my worth. At times, I feel I am not worthy of her.

My skills, talents..still are not my worth.

My social status does not add to it.

My marital status, or non… definitely not my worth.

My religion…not my worth.

My worth is nothing without my faith, my hope. My belief in who I am. I am only worth what I allow myself to be.

I’m not worthy, yet he died for my worth.

Our worth. It’s equal.

Every single one of us.